Ainesosasanakirja Point Of Skin uses the ingredients dictionary “Identification of cosmetic ingredients In accordance with the INCI-designations”. This Ainesosasanakirja allows one to asses the ingredients used in skincare and validate whether they are beneficial or hazardous to the skin.
Having the access to this Ainesosasanakirja is another great service that Point Of Skin customers can benefit from.
Visit the Ainesosasanakirja page.
In order to learn more about skincare ingredients, click the “ingredients from A-Z page”.
About the Authors
Ernst Walter Henrich was a student of the medical faculty at the University of Cologne. It was there that he received his PhD for medicine Apart from his medical qualification; he is specialist for naturopathic treatment. A main focus of his work is the correction of wrinkles by means of injections. In this work, he met Dr. Baumann. Both are involved in research for optimized without hazardous ingredients, on the basis of medic-dermatologic and naturopathic findings. In 1990 they founded their first company and by 1998 the second.
Thomas Baumann was a student of the chemical faculty at Heidelberg University. From there he received his PhD in pharmacy (Dr. rer. nat). He made a career with biochemistry at Heidelberg University where he did research for enzymekinetics. During the involvement with a south German cosmetic company he met Dr. Henrich. Together they focused their research for the development of medically sound, especially skin compatible, cosmetics without allergenic ingredients. These successful colaborations lead to the foundation of the two companies.
Cosmetic Ingredients, Fifth Edition: Written by Dr. Heinrich and Dr. Baumann Identification of cosmetic ingredients in accordance with the INCI-designations A Manual for: the independent identification of cosmetic ingredients regarding compatibility, allergenic hazards and effectiveness.
This Ainesosasanakirja was mainly created for: beauticians, physicians, pharmacists and non-medical practitioners in order to assess cosmetics products.
Fifth revised and improved edition.
© 2001 Verlag Dr. Henrich & Dr. Baumann GMBH
D-57080 Siegen, Telephone 02 71/38 22 03, Fax 02 71/38 20 08
This manual is copy right protected. All rights reserved, including the right for print of excerpts, photo mechanic reproduction, microfilm and translation.
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