Ingredient Description Evaluation
Imidazolidinyl Urea Chemical preservative, allergenic potential, formaldehydesplitter, Note: Ordinary "urea" is highly recommendable as ingredient in skin care products  not recommendable
Isoamyl Methoxycinna-mate One of the chemical light protection filters with high skin compatibility  recommendable
Isobutane Environmwetally friendly fuel gas  recommendable
Isocetyl Palmitate Walrat substitute, synthesized wax of herbal origin, refatting property highly recommendable
Isohexadecan Oil component, benefit for beauty care products controversial  not recommendable
Isoleucine Amino acid, usually from animal origin cruelty to animals through intensive farming, benefit for beauty care products controversial, moisture preserver not recommendable
Isoparaffin Synthetically produced hydrocarbon, benefit for beauty care products controversial  not recommendable
Isopropanol Isopropyle Alcohol, solubilizer in watery-alcoholic compounds, anti-septic property not recommendable
Isopropyl Isostearate Herbal wax, soothing, possibly comedogenic not recommendable
Isopropyl Myristate Herbal wax, soothing, possibly comedogenic not recommendable
Isopropyl Palmitate Herbal wax, soothing, possibly comedogenic not recommendable
Isostearyl Benzoate Benzoic acid, esterized with isostearylalcohol, synthetic oil  limited recommendability
Isostearyl Diglyceryl Succinate Surfactant, synthesized from herbal substances, degreasing and cleansing properties recommendable
Isostearyl Neopentanoate Synthetic skin oil limited recommendability
Ivy Extract Benefit for beauty care products controversial  not recommendable