Ingredient Description Evaluation
Gelidium Cartilagineum Extract Red seaweed extract, suppose to stimulate fat burn in the fat cells, utilized in anti-cellulite preparations recommendable
Geranium Oil Ethereal oil extracted from geraniums recommendable
Ginkgo Biloba Herbal agent of the ginkgo tree, benefit for beauty care products controversial    not recommendable
Glucose Herbal substance, slight moisture preserving quality limited recommendability
Glutamic Acid Flavour enhancer in food, benefit for beauty care products controversial   not recommendable
Glycereth-7-Cocoate Emulsifier of herbal origin limited recommendability
Glycereth -7 and -26 Agent with moisture preserving and weakening properties limited recommendability
Glycerin Essential component of the Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) of the human skin. Herbal or animal origin. Causes dry out and irritation of the skin, but only in higher concentration (according to some authors). These high concentrations (+30%) are not used in cosmetic products. Glycerin  arises in the body during the lipids metabolism and has a moisturizing effect on the skin when the concentration is low. highly recommendable
Glyceryl Laurate Thickening agent, derived from coconut fat, supports the effect of emulsifiers, refatting property in surfactants highly recommendable
Glyceryl Linoleate Thickening agent, usually derived from soy oil, supports the effect of emulsifiers, refatting property in surfactants highly recommendable
Glyceryl Myristate Thickening agent, auxiliary emulsifier for lotions and creams recommendable
Glyceryl Oleate Thickening agent, auxiliary emulsifier for lotions and creams recommendable
Glyceryl Stearate Thickening agent, auxiliary emulsifier for lotions and creams. Is an element of the skin sebum with skin protecting and moisturizing qualities.  highly recommendable
Glyceryl Stearate SE Self emulsifying thickening agent recommendable
Glycine Amino acid, usually from animal origin, cruelty to animals through intensive farming, benefit for beauty care products controversial, moisture preserver not recommendable
Glycogen Form of storage of glucose in the animal and human organism, might contain residues, animal origin, cruelty to animals through intensive farming not recommendable
Glycol Distearate Auxiliary agent as brightener limited recommendability
Glycol Myristate Auxiliary agent as brightener
Glycol Stearate Auxiliary agent as brightener
Glycolipids, Phospholipids, Sphingolipids Mixture of lipids, present in the skin by nature already, from out them, the skin releases ceramides under the influence of enzymes. Important lipids within the deeper layers of the epidermis. Out of these lipids substances ceramids for the barrier function of the horny layer are being developed within the upper skin layers. highly recommendable
Glycollic Acid Hydroxyacetic acid, smallest and most effective of all AHA fruit acids, peeling quality, should only be used with thickened horny layers, definitely not suitable for daily use application as a cure recommendable, not recommendable for daily use
Glycoproteins Compound of sugar and protein, benefit for beauty care products controversial, extracted from the blood serum of animals (intensive faming, cruelty to animals), possible BSE risk  not recommendable
Glycosaminoglycans Polysaccharide as moisture preserving factor recommendable
Glycosphingolipids Mixture of lipids, present in the skin by nature already, from out them, the skin releases ceramides under the influence of enzymes recommendable
Glycyrrhetenic Acid Made of glycyrrhizin acid, mineralocorticoid-like side effects known from the medic science not recommendable
Gold CI 77480, elementary pigment for the decorative colouring of the skin limited recommendability
Granule of nylon Round and mild peeling body of nylon highly recommendable
Grape Seed Oil Herbal substance with a high content of lineolic acid recommendable
Grapefruit Extract Benefit for beauty care products controversial, might contain residues of chemical preservatives not recommendable
Guanidine Produced from guanine, from animal origin, benefit for beauty care products controversial not recommendable
Guanosine Produced from guanine, benefit for beauty care products controversial not recommendable
Guar Hydroxypropyl Trimonium-Chloride Herbal agent, utilized in hair care products, improves the structure of hair  recommendable
Guarana Extract Herbal extract with highly stimulating quality (caffeine). Without any benefit for beauty care products not recommendable
Guava Extract Extract from the exotic guava fruit, benefit for beauty care products controversial not recommendable